Apolipoprotein B (ApoB) (Cardio IQ)
The Cardio IQ Advanced Lipid Panel is similar to the NMR LipoProfile and both characterize lipoprotein subparticle size and number. The four most significant particle subtypes are included in this panel and include LDL particle number, Small and Medium LDL particle number, and Large HDL particle numbers. Large HDL particles are protective, so higher numbers are more desirable. For the other three, elevated levels increase your risk of developing a cardiometabolic disease.
The key difference in the Cardio IQ test versus NMR is how each test characterizes subparticle size. Cardio IQ reports two size patterns, or phenotypes (A and B). Pattern B is reported when the smaller diameter particles predominate (Small LDL, specifically) and are at increased risk. Pattern A, on the other hand, suggests a predominance of Large LDL particles.