Application Acknowledgements
Phase2body, Inc (DBA “Heads Up Health”) utilizes a number of open source libraries and subprocessors to deliver detailed health insights to you and your Provider. We would like to acknowledge our partners and thank them and the members of their communities for all that they do.
We would like to express our gratitude to the creators and contributors of the following open-source libraries, which have been instrumental in the development of Heads Up Health mobile applications.
Open Source Libraries – Mobile (Android)
- Android Jetpack (Link to Library) – is a suite of libraries, tools, and architectural components designed to simplify Android app development. It helps developers write robust, maintainable, and scalable applications by providing pre-built solutions for common challenges like lifecycle management, UI design, data persistence, and more. Jetpack is divided into four main categories: Architecture, UI, Behavior, and Foundation, enabling developers to build apps faster with less boilerplate code. License
- JWTDecode.Android (Link to Library) – is a lightweight and efficient library for decoding JSON Web Tokens (JWT) in Android applications. It provides a simple way to parse, decode, and extract claims from JWTs without requiring a network connection or external dependencies. License
- Λrrow (Link to Library) is a library for Typed Functional Programming in Kotlin. Arrow aims to provide a lingua franca of interfaces and abstractions across Kotlin libraries. For this, it includes the most popular data types such as Option, and Either, functional operators such as zipOrAccumulate, and computation blocks to empower users to write pure FP apps and libraries built atop higher order abstractions. License
- Coil Compose (Link to Library) is an extension of the Coil (Coroutine Image Loader) library designed specifically for Jetpack Compose. It provides an easy and efficient way to load and display images in Compose applications with support for modern image-loading features such as caching, transformations, and network efficiency. License
- Compose Cropper (Link to Library) is a Jetpack Compose library for cropping images. It provides an easy-to-use interface for adding image cropping functionality to your Compose applications, with support for gestures like zoom, pan, and rotation. The library is designed to integrate seamlessly into Compose projects, making it a perfect tool for apps requiring custom image manipulation. License
- Desugared JDK Libraries (Link to Library) – is a library that enables backward compatibility for Java 8+ language features and APIs when using Android’s D8 or R8 compilers. It desugars (transforms) Java 8+ API calls to work on devices running older versions of Android, ensuring broader compatibility without losing access to modern language features. license
- Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) (Link to Library) is a reliable and scalable messaging solution provided by Firebase. It enables developers to send notifications and messages to Android, iOS, and web applications for free. With Firebase Messaging, you can deliver notifications, trigger real-time user engagement, and send data payloads to your app for custom processing, making it an essential tool for communication and user retention.
- kotlinx-serialization-json (Link to Library) is a Kotlin library for JSON serialization and deserialization. It provides an easy-to-use and efficient way to convert Kotlin objects to and from JSON, making it ideal for working with APIs, local storage, or any other context where JSON data is required. The library fully supports Kotlin’s type system, including nullability, generics, and custom serializers, while being optimized for performance and simplicity. License
- OkHttp (Link to Library) is an efficient and powerful HTTP client for Android and Java applications. It allows developers to make network requests with minimal configuration, supporting both synchronous and asynchronous calls. OkHttp handles common tasks like connection pooling, GZIP compression, and response caching automatically, ensuring optimal performance and reduced network latency. It also integrates seamlessly with Retrofit, making it the go-to solution for managing HTTP connections in Android apps. License
- OpenID AppAuth (Link to Library) is an open-source client-side library for integrating OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 authentication into Android applications. It provides an easy-to-use interface for securely implementing authentication flows, including authorization code flow, and supporting popular identity providers like Google, Facebook, and custom OpenID servers. The library handles essential tasks such as token management, secure storage, and refreshing tokens, ensuring your app can authenticate users safely and efficiently. License
- Reorderable (Link to Library) is an excellent Jetpack Compose library that simplifies the implementation of reorderable lists in Android applications. It allows developers to easily add the ability for users to reorder items within a LazyColumn or other Compose lists by dragging and dropping elements. License
- Retrofit (Link to Library) is a type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java, simplifying network calls by converting API responses into Java objects. It supports JSON, XML, and other formats, integrating easily with libraries like Gson and Moshi. Retrofit uses a declarative interface to define endpoints and requests, reducing boilerplate code. With support for asynchronous calls, authentication, and error handling, Retrofit is widely used for efficient networking in Android apps. License
- Richeditor Compose (Link to Library) is a Jetpack Compose library that provides a rich text editor component. It allows developers to integrate a fully customizable and feature-rich text editor into their Compose-based Android applications, supporting text formatting like bold, italic, underline, lists, and more. The library is lightweight and easy to use, offering a simple API for building text input interfaces with advanced styling capabilities. License
- Vico Charts (Link to Library) is a powerful charting library for Jetpack Compose that allows developers to create interactive and customizable charts with ease. It supports various chart types, including line, bar, pie, and scatter charts, and offers rich customization options for styling, animations, and data handling. Vico Charts provides a simple API to integrate beautiful, responsive, and performant data visualizations into Compose-based Android applications. License
- Duktape-Android (Link to Library) is a lightweight wrapper around the Duktape JavaScript engine for Android, enabling seamless JavaScript execution in Kotlin and Java applications. License
Open Source Libraries – Mobile (iOS)
- Abseil-CPP-Binary (Link to Library) – The Abseil-CPP-Binary library offers features such as debugging and testing utilities, container classes, and various other components that are commonly used across C++ projects. Portions of this software are based on the Abseil-CPP-Binary library, which is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. Copyright 2024 Google LLC. The full text of the Apache License 2.0 can be found at license.
- Alamofire (Link to Library) – Alamofire is an HTTP networking library for Swift, developed primarily for iOS and macOS app development. It simplifies the process of making network requests and handling responses in Swift-based applications. This app uses Alamofire, a Swift-based HTTP networking library, which is licensed under the MIT License. Copyright 2024 Alamofire Software Foundation. The full text of the MIT License can be found at license.
- App-Check (Link to Library) – App-check is a library that offers functionality related to security and integrity checks for mobile applications. This app utilizes app-check, a library for security and integrity checks, which is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. Copyright 2024 Google. The full text of the Apache License 2.0 can be found at license.
- AppAuth-iOS (Link to Library) – AppAuth for iOS is a library that provides OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect (OIDC) support for iOS apps. This app uses AppAuth for iOS, a library providing OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect support, which is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. Copyright 2024 OpenID Foundation. The full text of the Apache License 2.0 can be found at license.
- Charts (Link to Library) – Charts is our primary charting library used for data visualization purposes. This app utilizes Charts, a library for creating beautiful and interactive charts, which is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. Copyright 2024 Daniel Cohen Gindi & Philipp Jahoda. The full text of the Apache License 2.0 can be found at license.
- Firebase-iOS-SDK (Link to Library) – Firebase is a comprehensive platform provided by Google for building mobile and web applications that includes functionality such as authentication, cloud functions, and analytics and performance monitoring. This app utilizes Firebase iOS SDK, a powerful library for integrating Firebase services into iOS apps, which is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. Copyright 2024 Google LLC. The full text of the Apache License 2.0 can be found at license.
- GoogleAppMeasurement (Link to Library) – GoogleAppMeasurement is a library used for tracking user interactions and events in iOS apps in conjunction with Firebase Analytics. This app utilizes GoogleAppMeasurement, a library for tracking user interactions and events in iOS apps, which is distributed under the Apache License 2.0. Copyright 2024 Google LLC. The full text of the Apache License 2.0 can be found at license.
- GoogleDataTransport (Link to Library) – GoogleDataTransport is a library allows the logging of data and telemetry from Google SDKs. This app utilizes GoogleDataTransport, a library for transporting data between mobile apps and backend services, which is distributed under the Apache License 2.0. Copyright 2024 Google LLC. The full text of the Apache License 2.0 can be found at license.
- GoogleUtilities (Link to Library) – GoogleUtilities is a collection of various helper functions, extensions, and convenience classes that can aid in the development of apps integrated with Google services. This app utilizes GoogleUtilities, a collection of utility classes and functions provided by Google for iOS and macOS app development, which is distributed under the Apache License 2.0. Copyright [year] Google LLC. The full text of the Apache License 2.0 can be found at license.
- gRPC-Binary (Link to Library) – gRPC enables efficient and reliable communication between client and server applications, using HTTP/2 as the transport protocol and Protocol Buffers as the interface definition language. This app utilizes gRPC-Binary, a binary distribution of the gRPC framework for efficient and reliable remote procedure calls, which is distributed under the Apache License 2.0. Copyright 2024 gRPC contributors. The full text of the Apache License 2.0 can be found at license.
- GTMSessionFetcher (Link to Library) – GTMSessionFetcher is a library provided by Google to simplify fetching data over the network in iOS, macOS, and tvOS apps. It handles common tasks such as HTTP requests, downloading/uploading data, and managing sessions. This app utilizes GTMSessionFetcher, a library provided by Google for simplifying network fetching tasks in iOS, macOS, and tvOS apps, which is distributed under the Apache License 2.0. Copyright 2024 Google LLC. The full text of the Apache License 2.0 can be found at license.
- InputBarAccessoryView (Link to Library) – InputBarAcessoryView is a user interface library used for text input and tagging for interactivity with modules such as our messaging functionality and journal. This app utilizes InputBarAccessoryView, a component for text input, which is distributed under the MIT License. Copyright 2024 Nathan Tannar and Jakub Kaspar. The full text of the MIT License can be found at license.
- Interop-iOS-for-Google-SDKs (Link to Library) – Interop-iOS-for-Google-SDKs contains interfaces (Objective-C or Swift Protocols) that allow Google SDKs, for Apple platforms, to reliably interoperate with one another via weak dependencies. This app utilizes Interop iOS for Google SDKs, a set of tools provided by Google for enabling interoperability between Google SDKs and iOS applications, which is distributed under the Apache License 2.0. Copyright 2024 Google LLC. The full text of the license can be found at license.
- JWTDecode.swift (Link to Library) – JWTDecode.swift is a librafy that decodes JSON web tokens. This app utilizes JWTDecode.Swift, a Swift library for decoding JSON Web Tokens (JWT), which is distributed under the MIT License. Copyright 2024 Auth0, Inc. The full text of the MIT License can be found at license.
- Keychain-swift (Link to Library) – KeychainSwift is a Swift library for simple and secure iOS Keychain management, allowing for secure storage of sensitive data. This app utilizes KeychainSwift, a Swift library for Keychain management in iOS apps, which is distributed under the MIT License. Copyright 2024 Evgenii Neumerzhitckii. The full text of the MIT License can be found at license.
- LevelDB (Link to Library) – LevelDB is a fast key-value storage library written at Google that provides an ordered mapping from string keys to string values. This app utilizes LevelDB, a fast key-value storage library, which is distributed under the BSD 3-Clause “New” or “Revised” License. Copyright 2024 Google Inc. The full text of the BSD 3-Clause “New” or “Revised” License can be found at license.
- MessageKit (Link to Library) – MessageKit is a library that provides a framework for messaging that is utilized in our messaging functionality. This app utilizes MessagingKit, a library for messaging functionality, which is distributed under the MIT License. Copyright 2024 MessageKit. The full text of the MIT License can be found at license.
- Nanopb (Link to Library) – Nanopb is a small code-size Protocol Buffers implementation in ansi C. This app utilizes nanopb, a small code-size Protocol Buffers implementation in ANSI C, which is distributed under the zlib license. Copyright 2024 Petteri Aimonen. The full text of the zlib license can be found at license.
- Promises (Link to Library) – Promises is a modern framework that provides a synchronization construct for Objective-C and Swift to facilitate writing asynchronous code. This app utilizes Promises, a modern framework for Objective-C and Swift that provides a synchronization construct to facilitate writing asynchronous code, distributed under the Apache License 2.0. Copyright 2024 Google LLC. The full text of the Apache License 2.0 can be found at license.
- Sentry-Cocoa (Link to Library) – Sentry Cocoa is a library for error tracking and monitoring in iOS and macOS apps. This app utilizes Sentry Cocoa, a library for error tracking and monitoring in iOS and macOS apps, distributed under the MIT License. Copyright 2024 Sentry. The full text of the MIT License can be found at license.
- Swift Algorithms (Link to Library) – Swift Algorithms is an open-source package of sequence and collection algorithms, along with their related types. This app utilizes Swift Algorithms, a library for common algorithms and data structures in Swift, distributed under the Apache License 2.0. Copyright 2024 Apple Inc. The full text of the Apache License 2.0 can be found at license.
- Swift Numerics (Link to Library) – Swift Numerics provides a set of modules that support numerical computing in Swift. This app utilizes Swift Numerics, a library for numerical computing in Swift, distributed under the Apache License 2.0. Copyright 2024 Apple Inc. The full text of the Apache License 2.0 can be found at license.
- Swift Protobug (Link to Library) – Swift Protobug provides both the command-line program that adds Swift code generation to Google’s protoc and the runtime library that is necessary for using the generated code. This app utilizes Swift Protobug, a library for Swift code generation, distributed under the Apache License 2.0. Copyright 2024 Apple Inc. The full text of the Apache License 2.0 can be found at license.
- SwiftHTTPStatusCodes (Link to Library) – SwiftHTTPStatusCode is a Swift enum wrapper for easier handling of HTTP status codes. This app utilizes SwiftHTTPStatusCodes, a library providing HTTP status code constants in Swift, distributed under the MIT License. Copyright 2024 Rich Hodgkins. The full text of the MIT License can be found at license.
GDPR Subprocessors
A subprocessor is an external service or provider that is enlisted by Heads Up Health to provide transparency and insights to your health metrics. As part of our services, we may share personal information we have collected about you with these providers, subject to our Privacy Notice, Terms of Use and Agreements.
Subprocessor | Service Provided | Data Processed |
Amazon AWS | Cloud Hosting | Web Application and Databases |
Segment | Event Data Processing | Event Data Transmission |
GitHub | Code & Version Management | Source Code |
Email & Docs | Internal Documents and Communications | |
Appcues | In-App Tooltips and Modals | Event Data Transmission |
Intercom | Customer Support | Customer Support Inquries |
GoDaddy | Domain Hosting | Website |
HotJar | Session Tracking | Session Clicks |
Stripe | Billing | Customer Email and Financial Data |
GoHighLevel | Marketing | Marketing Leads’ Email Addresses |
Meta | Marketing | Marketing Leads’ Email Addresses |
Marketing | Marketing Leads’ Email Addresses | |
Google Ads /G Analytics / Youtube | Marketing | Marketing Leads’ Email Addresses |
Marketing | Marketing Leads’ Email Addresses | |
Segment | Marketing | Marketing Leads’ Email Addresses |
Drip | Marketing | Marketing Leads’ Email Addresses |
Mandrill | Marketing | Marketing Leads’ Email Addresses |
Dremio | Data Lakehouse Vendor | Data Transmission |
Firebase | Push Notifications | Notifications and Alerts |