Once you’ve got the basics of using the Keto-Mojo covered, it’s time to start looking at the bigger picture of how your keto lifestyle is affecting your overall health and performance.
1. Ditch the scale
Scales don’t always tell the full story (and they can drive you nuts). Lock the scale away in the closet and use the good ol’ fashioned tape measure!

Pro tip #1: Instead of daily scale measurements, just take a waist circumference measurement once a month. It’s a much more predictable (and lower stress!) way to assess your weight loss.
Optionally record your measurements in your Heads Up account so you can track your progress over time.

In the graph below, our social media manager (Lily) graphed her waist circumference and her glucose-ketone index in her Heads Up profile.
The results speak for themselves as she lost 5 inches off her waist over the course of 14 months!
2. Take the carb-tolerance test
Pop quiz: How high does your blood sugar go after your favorite restaurant meal?
If you don’t know, reach for the Keto-Mojo and test your blood sugar before you eat. Test your blood sugar again 1 hour after eating and again 2 hours after your meal. Record all three numbers.
Pro tip #3: Try to choose meals that keep your post-meal blood sugar below 120 mg/dL (6.7 mmol/L). Learning how to control post-meal blood sugar is a powerful tool in your health arsenal.
You can also record results using the ‘Carb Tolerance Test’ feature so you can keep a journal of which foods work best for your own body.
Click Here for Carb Tolerance Test!
that anyone can use to optimize their health.
3. Integrate fasting
There are so many health benefits to both intermittent and prolonged fasting (72 hours or more)! Benefits such as reduced inflammation, insulin, glucose, IGF-1 and helping with metabolic health. Not to mention the potential anti-aging and anti-cancer benefits. [1]
Pro tip #2: Track your glucose and ketones before, during and after you fast. You should see your glucose drop and your ketones rise as you go deeper into the fasted state.
You can also try our Fasting Timer. Record your fasting intervals and graph them alongside your Keto-Mojo readings to master your metabolism.

That’s all for now folks! Hope you enjoyed our tips. For more great information on how to optimize your health, join our FaceBook community, subscribe to our podcast, or hit us up on Instagram.
Ready to start tracking? Start your free 30-day trial (no credit card required) using the button below.
[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2673798/