Medically-supervised weight management clinic, ThreeHealth, Inc., takes a multifaceted approach to wellness. Focusing on the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of metabolic health and weight loss, ThreeHealth combines science and technology with personalized behavioral therapy to deliver outstanding results for a diverse array of clients.
Founded by Brad Butterfield, Brandy Wiltermuth and Marlene Sexton, ThreeHealth treats diabetes, cardiometabolic, and weight loss issues with a uniquely client-focused approach. Taking into account medical conditions, behaviors, biometrics, and goals, ThreeHealth uses state-of-the-art technology to provide sustainable metabolic health results.

Working remotely with clients, ThreeHealth needed a comprehensive way to upload, monitor, and interpret client data. When ThreeHealth discovered Heads Up (HU), the industry-leading health tracking platform, they found the perfect solution for their clinic’s needs. HU created a custom dashboard for ThreeHealth that included a bulk upload of client data, real-time health tracking, and tools for quantifying ThreeHealth’s performance.
“The Heads Up dashboard is an incredibly powerful tool,” says Brad Butterfield of ThreeHealth. “The tracking of all this information can be extremely freeing. Maybe that sounds counterintuitive, but it works, it really works.”
If you run a health practice and are interested in a comprehensive remote data monitoring system, reach out to our New Accounts team at Heads Up here.
About ThreeHealth
Comprised of licensed medical and behavioral specialists, ThreeHealth focuses on improving metabolic health, reversing diabetes, and developing sustainable weight loss programs. ThreeHealth uses a unique combination of metabolic assessment, behavioral health, and technology tools to support their clients’ goals.
The founding team at ThreeHealth consists of Brad Butterfield, LMHCA and Brandy Wiltermuth, ARNP. Along with Marlene Sexton, LMFT, director of Behavioral Therapy, ThreeHealth has a thriving direct primary care practice and robust telemedicine program with a track record of success.
Beginning with cognitive-behavioral therapy to address the emotional responses behind eating, ThreeHealth helps clients understand their relationship with food. By uncovering the psychological factors of health, ThreeHealth then creates “individualized, medically-driven, holistic programs that treat the mind, the body, and the spirit,” says Marlene Sexton of ThreeHealth. “Everyone is different, and every patient requires an individualized program based on his or her personal medical conditions and profile.”
In addition to behavioral counseling and personalized nutritional prescriptions, ThreeHealth uses state-of-the-art technology to remotely support and monitor patients. Through the use of smart devices and wearable technology, such as the Oura Ring and Biosense, they are able to detect trends in vital body functions including weight, heart rate, blood pressure, sleep quality, and ketone levels.
Business Challenge
ThreeHealth needed a system for measuring progress on the individual and cohort level to validate their protocols and promote client retention. Proving the success and capability of their methods is integral to ThreeHealth’s business growth and development.
Because ThreeHealth provides their clients with a variety of tech tools to track health metrics, they also needed a way to compile client data for easy interpretation. “I can’t have six different platforms for the six different devices that I want people to use,” said Brandy Wiltermuth.
According to Wiltermuth, compiling and interpreting data “opens the window into exactly what people are doing.” Working remotely with clients, ThreeHealth needed a way to monitor client data in realtime, as well as upload historical data to create accurate baseline metrics and chart progress.

Technology Solution
The goal for Heads Up was to create a comprehensive solution to meet ThreeHealth’s diverse needs. HU designed a custom dashboard that integrates with ThreeHealth’s smart devices. Additionally, HU designed a system to bulk upload client data that allows ThreeHealth to measure performance over time, both for individual clients and for the clinic as a whole.
Heads Up delivers a clinical-style effectiveness proving platform, giving ThreeHealth all the tools they need to validate their protocols and verify the success of their methods.
- Data-Driven Key Performance Indicators
- Using HU, ThreeHealth can define and measure progress against their program KPIs for business planning and adjustment to better serve clients.
- Data-Driven Protocol Validation
- With HU, ThreeHealth can validate their protocols on the individual and aggregate level, giving them the tools to guide business development and growth.
- ThreeHealth providers can continuously engage patients, increasing LTV by providing positive reinforcement in real time, based on graph data and metrics.
- Data-Driven Client Acquisition
- With HU, ThreeHealth now has social proof of protocol efficacy that goes beyond written testimonials and before/after pictures.
- ThreeHealth can attract new clients based on quantified evidence of their success.

Validating Protocols with Historical and Real Time Data
With years of data ranging from lean body mass to ketone levels, ThreeHealth needed to assess their clinic and client performance based on historical, as well as real-time, data. To address this, HU custom-designed a system for ThreeHealth to bulk upload client records, thereby giving ThreeHealth a holistic view into each client’s progress and a tool for validating the overall success of the clinic.
HU’s bulk upload solution allows ThreeHealth to easily track individual and aggregate success through the practitioner portal. With HU, ThreeHealth is able to customize thresholds and reference ranges for tailoring KPIs to their specific needs. This gives the clinic the ability to:
- Define the KPIs to track to validate programs at individual and aggregate levels
- Provide TheeHealth with the tools to easily see results in real time
- Display the clinical and functional data for metabolic health monitoring
- Dig deeper into each client’s health with markers specific to the ThreeHealth program
ThreeHealth generates graphs showing individual or aggregate weight loss over any time frame, be it a week or the duration of the program. In looking at the data point of weight, or other biomarkers like BMI or blood glucose, ThreeHealth can see overall trends over a given period of time.
Using Heads Up to gather and track their clients health information, providers can not only see progress at the individual level but also validate and improve their protocols by looking at their clients’ data holistically. In 2020, they saw a significant drop in weight correlated with increased Aces gathered from clients’ Biosense devices. Using this kind of information to feed their programs means they can deliver a more competitive, data-driven approach.

Custom Lifestyle Dashboard
Heads Up displays data for clear interpretation by ThreeHealth providers and clients alike. Facilitating patient engagement, data from smart devices is elegantly showcased on the client-facing dashboard, making it easy for clients to monitor their progress. That same data is available through the practitioner-facing portal, allowing ThreeHealth coaches to interpret and clarify metrics for their clients in real time.
The HU custom lifestyle dashboard was preloaded with tracking tiles specific to the clinic’s needs. ThreeHealth is committed to empowering their clients with information and they track not only weight loss and blood pressure, but other unique metrics including sleep and ketone levels.
Having a full suite of health information at the fingertips of both the clients and practitioners on one central platform, ThreeHealth can then easily interpret and explain metrics to their clients. The data becomes the foundation for curiosity and a tool for education, empowerment, and understanding about how lifestyle changes affect metabolic health.
With the HU custom dash, the clinic gives their clients the tools for success, fostering client engagement and increasing LTV. By detecting data trends in vital body functions and promptly intervening when needed, treatments can be easily adjusted and administered quickly based on insights gained from HU’s customizable reports.

Custom Dashboard Metrics for Metabolic Health
HU integrates seamlessly with a wide range of wearable health devices and ThreeHealth’s custom dashboard gives an in-depth platform to record and interpret client data. The clinic uses a unique set of metrics from smart devices and wearable technology to optimize clients’ health and weight loss. Beyond the obvious weight management metrics of body weight and blood pressure, ThreeHealth provides their clients with BIOSENSE ketone monitors and Oura Ring sleep monitors.
The Three Health client dashboards consist of the following metrics:
- Sleep and Heart Rate Variability (HRV)
- Disrupted (e.g apnea), insufficient sleep and chronic stress all have an adverse effect on metabolism and appetite control. All ThreeHealth clients are given an Oura Ring to accurately monitor sleep quality, circadian rhythm and HRV. ThreeHealth practitioners use this data to detect sleep and stress issues and work with clients on corrective measures
- Ketosis
- Entering into a state of nutritional ketosis is an important part of the ThreeHealth program. ThreeHealth uses the BIOSENSE breath acetone meter to teach clients how to maintain a state of ketosis for optimal weight loss, blood sugar control and energy levels.
- Macronutrients (protein, fat, carbs, and calories consumed)
- ThreeHealth clients maintain a food journal using the Cronometer app. This allows ThreeHealth practitioners to optimize macronutrient ratios for optimal weight loss.
- Blood Pressure
- When needed, ThreeHealth uses the Qardioarm blood pressure cuff to remotely monitor blood pressure on clients.
- Weight, Lean Mass, and Body Fat
- Lab Testing
- Clients also obtain periodic lab testing (cholesterol, Hba1c, etc.) to ensure all clinical markers are improving as their clients body composition, diet, sleep and stress improve during the course of the program.
All of this data is centrally managed for each client in the Heads Up platform. This gives ThreeHealth a powerful solution for remote monitoring and tracking outcomes at the individual and aggregate levels.

ThreeHealth is committed to solving the metabolic health challenges with a multifaceted approach to wellness. By combining health data with behavioral counseling and nutritional programming, ThreeHealth delivers industry-leading weight loss results for their clients. HU designed a seamless user experience on both the frontend for clients and backend for practitioners, allowing the team at ThreeHealth to focus on supporting their clients, improve metabolic health, and keep weight off for a lifetime.
Clarifying data and making it accessible to clients and practitioners paves the path to success. Like so many clinics working in functional and integrative medicine, ThreeHealth needed tools to validate their protocols and verify the effectiveness of their methods. Heads Up delivers a business development tool for new client acquisition and a data-driven platform to validate their methods and engage their clients.
Interested in a custom data portal for your practice? Schedule a Discovery, Demo, and Strategy call with one of our experts here.